SCE - Singapore Cooperation Enterprise
SCE stands for Singapore Cooperation Enterprise
Here you will find, what does SCE stand for in Government under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Singapore Cooperation Enterprise? Singapore Cooperation Enterprise can be abbreviated as SCE What does SCE stand for? SCE stands for Singapore Cooperation Enterprise. What does Singapore Cooperation Enterprise mean?Singapore Cooperation Enterprise is an expansion of SCE
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Alternative definitions of SCE
- Starfleet Corps Of Engineers
- State College, Pennsylvania USA
- Service Class Environment
- Standard Calomel Electrode
- School of Continuing Education
- Service Creation Environment
- Software Capability Evaluation
- Software Capability Evaluation
View 106 other definitions of SCE on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SEL Smart Education LLC
- SOS South Oakland Shelter
- SIC Smitten Ice Cream
- SAM Set Artist Management
- SAB Saskatchewan Arts Board
- SDDC San Diego Diplomacy Council
- SMHS San Miguel High School
- SLA Sign Language Associates
- SCL Stanton Consultancy Ltd
- SLRE Sonoran Lifestyle Real Estate
- SMI Specialty Manufacturing Inc
- SCMC Santa Casa de Montes Claros
- SVCS St. Vincent Community Services
- SIRE Seabrook Island Real Estate
- SWT Surrey Wildlife Trust
- SA The Station Agency
- SME Steve Madden Europe
- SWM Studio Wayne Mcgregor
- SMG Student Media Group
- STF Sacramento Tree Foundation